Full name: Hazhar Hussein Wali
Gender: Male
Phone Number: 07501787112
Certificate type : PhD ,
in : Kurdish Language/ Syntax ,in :Iraq - Kurdistan Region
Academic title: Assistant Professor
College: Education
Department: Kurdish Language
Date of starting teaching: 2015-09-01
Number of years experience: 10
Administration Position: , from :
Working type of Charmo University: Fulltime
Date of birthday: 1989-04-28
Teaching Philosophy: When I think about my role as a teacher, the one thing that I constantly have focused
on is the relationships that I have built with my students. I enjoy having conversations with
them on subjects and issues that are important to them, and learn how they are feeling about
and experiencing the world and the material that we are studying in class. I want my own
classroom to be less of a class and more of a community, where we are all sharing ideas and
communicating and learning from one another at the same time. This is one of the reasons
why I focused on teaching them; the maturity level of these
students gives them the ability to clearly articulate their own thoughts and feelings. I have a
very firm belief that young people have the ability to make great changes in the world if they
are given the right information and tools, and I want to help my students
reach their goals in life by giving them the tools to better communicate with other citizens of
their country and world.