Full name: Jawhar Jumaa Ali
Gender: Male
Phone Number: 07501828072 & 07708871828
Certificate type : Master ,
in : Statistics ,in :Iran
Academic title: Assistant Lecturer
College: Others
Department: Presidency
Date of starting teaching: 2023-11-28
Number of years experience: 11
Administration Position: , from :
Working type of Charmo University: Fulltime
Date of birthday: 1989-01-01
Teaching Philosophy: I believe that the primary goal of teaching is to foster learning. Learning can take place in various situations and environments. While everyone has the capacity to learn, a student's willingness to engage is crucial for effectively understanding and acquiring new concepts and skills.
People have diverse learning styles: some thrive in lecture-based settings, others are motivated by discussions, and many learn best through reading and reflecting on the material. The classroom environment plays a significant role in either facilitating or hindering learning, depending on how well it aligns with each student's preferred learning style. By addressing these diverse needs, educators can create a supportive and inclusive learning atmosphere.
Students often mirror the learning behaviors of their instructor. If an instructor lacks enthusiasm for the subject or passion for learning, it becomes less likely that students will feel motivated to engage. Therefore, an instructor must not only demonstrate expertise and knowledge but also convey genuine enthusiasm to inspire students' willingness to learn.